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January 13, 2023 by Niharika Ranjan 0 Comments

Role of empathy in design

“Empathy is the cornerstone of any successful design.”

Because it is a skill that enables us to comprehend and share the same emotions as others, empathy is the first step in design thinking. We may connect with how other people feel about their issues, circumstances, or situations by putting ourselves in their shoes.

Let’s learn what empathy means

“The activity of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and experiencing empathetic feelings, thoughts, and experience of another without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience completely transmitted in an objectively explicit manner” is the definition of empathy.

It refers to the capacity to fully step into another person’s shoes and experience the world from their perspective in a particular scenario or context.

What role does empathy play in designing?

The design thinking process which is considered the beginning of any design project is empathy. The designer takes the time to get to know the user and comprehend their needs, wants, and goals throughout the empathy phase. This entails paying attention to and interacting with others to comprehend their psychological and emotional states.

You must put your preconceptions aside at the empathize phase. Human nature makes us believe that, in certain circumstances, other people would think and feel the same way we do, but this isn’t always the case. If we talk about UX designing where user satisfaction is really important, empathy plays a crucial role.

Let’s talk about the role of empathy in depth

  • A Bridge to better communication
    Yes, empathy plays a great role in connecting the designer’s perspective with the client’s perspective. See, we all have our creative minds to fulfill the gaps between two creative minds empathy plays a great role. It gives a broader vision to both the designer as well as the client.
  • The outcome that can attract the mass
    When we create any design it can be appealing to us but it’s not mandatory that the mass could enjoy or relate to that design. So to attract the mass, empathy plays a major role. It creates a link between innovation and alluring design. Let’s say, you are working on a logo design, and you’re fully into your creative zone and created a masterpiece that can be complex for the audience but great from a web or graphic designer’s perspective. Here, empathy plays a major part in giving the designer a vision that will attract the audience.
  • Listen, don’t judge
    You may have a great experience in the field of UI/UX designing or graphic designing but it is really important to understand that to meet the client’s expectations. It is really important to have the patience to listen to the client’s needs without any judgments.

Yes, Empathy plays a major role in logo designing as well

Logo designing is the first step to building any brand. When designing a brand’s logo it’s important that you keep in mind the core concept and the brand image and to make something that speaks of it empathy is really important. As logo design is the first and foremost step in building a brand. For example usage of pop design in food brands, and minimalistic design for luxury brands. The logo design needs to be a replica of the brand image that you want to create for your brand.

No!! Empathy and Sympathy are not the same

You don’t want to make this mistake in the world of design thinking that empathy and sympathy are the same things. Although it is not a prerequisite for empathy, being able to express care for the welfare of another person is important. Now that you’ve started to comprehend what empathy entails, you can clearly distinguish between the two.

While designing, your objective is to comprehend the people for whom you create, not to emotionally respond to their current situation. To create a solution that helps solve a problem they face, the Empathize stage of design thinking requires you to visit your users in their natural environments, learn about how they behave and conduct interviews with them. To do that, empathy is necessary—not compassion.

Yes, there are challenges if you are going this way.

Being completely empathetic to everyone is challenging since people are by their very nature incredibly diverse. Being a compassionate employer includes, for instance, creating and managing work teams in which you show complete empathy to a person who is experiencing personal difficulties and who, as a result, withdraw from their work. But if this starts to affect coworkers’ workloads or well-being, a problem rapidly starts to surface.

Another illustration would be in product design, where it may be conceivable to add a variety of new features that completely meet a user’s needs, but if doing so makes the product expensive for everyone, the product’s evolution was incorrect.

Let’s end it by saying

Because it enables us to fully unearth and comprehend the buried needs and feelings of the people we design for, empathy is crucial for us as designers, and it is especially significant within the context of design thinking. The first stage of the design thinking process is called “empathize,” and it enables us to create ideas that satisfy the three criteria for a successful product or service: appeal, viability, and practicality.


Why is empathy important for designers?

Empathy is essential for designers because it enables us to fully uncover and comprehend the buried needs and emotions of the people we design for, empathy is crucial for us as designers, and it is especially important within the context of design thinking.

How do you develop empathy design thinking?

The easiest way to develop empathy design thinking is by following these 5 simple steps-

  1. Learn to observe and listen
  2. Research the required design
  3. Reflection and Analysis
  4. Brainstorming for proper solutions
  5. Developing prototypes of possible solutions.

How do you use empathy in design thinking?

The best way to use empathy in design thinking is that you must set aside your perspective and consider things from the other person’s angle to use empathy effectively. Once you understand that a person’s behavior is simply a reaction based on their prior knowledge and experiences, you can recognize behavior that initially appears to be overly emotional, stubborn, or unreasonable.

Why is empathy important in UX design?

Understanding, mirroring, and ultimately sharing another person’s feelings, desires, and motive is what is meant by empathy. Empathy in UX design helps us comprehend our users’ hopes, fears, capabilities, limitations, justifications, and ambitions in addition to their current problems.

April 11, 2022 by Sanjeev 0 Comments

xVS Creations a Leading Company in India for Marketing

Here at xVS Creations, we work closely with small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses to highlight their brand identities through design. We’re a creative team that believes in the impact of design on people. As such, we aid our clients in utilizing the advantages of design to engage their audiences and grow their brands.

How targeted communication designs are more effective

What are communication designs? 

More than just designs, communication designs are the way to deliver messages to the viewer while making favorable impacts. Not limited to the traditional platforms of media, communication designs also encourage to development of new mediums and oblige the creative use of existing media platforms. 

Most of the time, communication designs are co-related with graphics design because of the overlapping skillset involved in both of them. The key difference is the way it delivers the message that it should be the design itself doing most of the work, communicating, and making an impact on the viewer.  

Targeted communication designs 

Dynamics of business rules that there is always more than one party involved in conducting any business and this number only tends to increase. On any good day, certain things have to be communicated among the people working and interacting. 

It’s highly unlikely for a single design to be effective across all kinds of parties involved. The best way to move forward is to have a targeted communication design for each category. The information required among fellow colleagues would be different from what needs to be communicated to your customers. 

How to make your communication design’s targeted

It involves a process but mostly depends upon dedicating proper attention to each category. 

Deciding your audience 

The trick here is that identifying a target audience in B2B can be a bit more difficult than it is in B2C.

When it comes to B2C, the purchase decision-making process is usually much simpler. Typically, you’ll only have one person (your customer) who decides on whether they want to buy or not. Because of this, you can dive deep into their individual pain points and what it is they want when you’re identifying your target customer, then tailor all of your marketing efforts accordingly.

Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple on the B2B side…

Major purchases often need to be considered by more than just one person.

Instead of just digging into what your one, ideal, individual customer is looking for — you need to think bigger.

Choose the platform

Whether you’re going for digital media or print media, choosing where it will have a higher impact is crucial. It’s availability and feasibility is also important. How quickly you can ramp up your promotions on each platform varies significantly. 

A new Pew Research Center study shows that Facebook and YouTube continue to be the most widely used online platforms among U.S. adults. Roughly three-quarters of Facebook users visit the site daily. Snapchat and Instagram are especially popular among 18- and 24-year-olds. 

Draw up the content 

You would need an audit to determine your current performance and understand what works and what doesn’t for the audience you are targeting. This knowledge will then help you plan your targeted communication designs.

While carrying out an audit, some details to check include:

  • Top-performing content
  • Low-performing content
  • Content publishing frequency
  • Ranking keywords

The more you understand your current performance – and the reasons behind your performance, whether good or bad – the more knowledge you’ll have to help you develop future targeted communication designs.

Design, what’s important 

In this whole process, this might be the most important. In communications design, what you design is the message itself. Your creativity turns what needs to be conveyed. 

Next, get your magpie hat on and start collecting everything that catches your eye. Business cards, brochures, merchandise, the lot. If you like it, pick it up and use it to inform your own marketing material designs. Setting up a Pinterest board is also a great idea if you want to create a virtual scrapbook of inspiration.

People have very short attention spans these days, so your information needs to be scannable and easy to digest. To achieve this, you need to create a layout with bold headers, good quality graphics, and short, bitesize paragraphs. Don’t be too wordy or try to cram too much in.

Publish it effectively 

It happens mostly after dedicating much of the time and effort on various previous steps publishing is just rushed. Posting on social media, taking it to live, or sending the deliverable to its destination is crucial. Few people are obligated but not all of them will see at any given time. Figuring out the time, supporting content and easiness will help you make it effective. 


Putting all things together what makes targeted communication designs effective is the customized message and its delivery. Dedicating proper time and effort will help you achieve it. Understanding the segment of your audience will have a positive effect. When things are designed in the language they understand, it gets easier to connect.  

June 2, 2020 by Sanjeev 0 Comments

Helping businesses with their promotions in times of crisis.

COVID 19 the situation, we are all dealing with…

As we are all in the midst of fighting the coronavirus pandemic, our businesses are getting affected at many scales. The impact might vary depending upon the nature of a business but it is being felt and observed around the world.

Though we are already deep in it, the complete impact of this economic crisis will only unfurl in the upcoming year. Its something inevitable and only the businesses preparing for it now will come out with the least impact. The current situation might look sad and difficult, but if handled well, the COVID crisis is also an opportunity. The key is the adaptation and continuous change according to the current demands. The more efficiently you do this task the more are your chances of survival and growth.

Current scenario

With the imposed lockdown in many parts of the world, many businesses are left stranded with very little to none. A high communication gap between partners is generating challenges in getting the work done. But aids are available because of the internet and many companies have kept it running by adopting these technologies and platforms. Still, it will take some time for us to get habitual and while we are doing it, effective communication holds the key. It’s important to communicate effectively to the various parties involved in your business, from investors to your customers and employees to your audiences.


current scenario

Contributing a bit in your revival journey

We at xVS Creations have decided to help in making this process smooth and easy. With our experience and skills, we have been providing communication designs in various forms like graphics, AV, explainer videos, websites, and social media. Considering the current situation we are providing free consultation on communication mediums, tailored specifically for your brand. We can help you with every step involved in making your promotions more effective and efficient. 

To know more about the process or if you’re interested in promoting your business or brand, do get in touch with us. Even if you’re not, we are readily available to guide you in the right direction from where you can benefit the most in the current scenario and drive towards a bright future. 

From self-do platforms to the best available resources it is crucial for you to know what is going to work and what is not. 


Even you can help everyone…

“Know where you want to go and make sure the right people know about it.” — Meredith Mahoney 


It’s all about the right timing and the right resources. The power of the network cannot be undermined in any circumstances. So even if it’s not for you, there might be people in your acquaintance that can be benefited from it. A situation like this demands a contribution on a massive level to revive and grow.


Ways to support small businesses

  1. Give an honest and positive review.
  2. Let your friends and family know about the business.
  3. Follow their social media channels.
  4. Help by engaging in their posts.
  5. Give them a shout out from your profile. 

Looking towards the horizon (Conclusion)

“Prediction is difficult, especially when dealing with the future” – Danish Proverb 


You might not know now how everything is going to unveil, but taking the right steps towards progress is the need of the hour. Keeping the concerned people informed will help you to avoid unnecessary pullbacks. The journey from here is for sure difficult but to make it as easy as possible effective communications will play a significant role. 
